hey all, just here with the sweetest two a K9lvr could possibly ask for. He (o) is a white boxer, hard of hearing, with a tail like a whip (not docked! yay!) and a breath like a yoga master...she (a) is an older rhodesian gal, who's not afraid to wrestle and wrangle for the sake of still having a bit of fun...
had the pleasure of being with these two earlier last spring, with the 7-mile entrance to rotary park available (secret Livonian passage) and blazing hot, humid sun the whole week- and now for the yin counterpart, 20 degree days and dry, dumped a good 10 inches of snow...this didn't stop these two!
we tramped on through the drifts and found a neat loop just north of 10mile, just west of Middlebelt, a perfect oval called "creekside" or "brookside" or along side of some soon-to-be-ousted natural beauty. it's wild how they name the street after the original plot of land, but then it becomes the opposite? hmmph.
after 30 minutes or so of brisk hike, the body adjusts. there is an ice-shield of moustache beneath the nose, there are no sidewalks sometimes, but there are still slow drivers out there (thank jah) and occasionally the crazy neighbor who just wants to talk about K9s. there's always that one.
true story: dogs pull man on longboard. at top speed (maybe 20mph), man looks back to see a pair of Goldens following in hot pursuit. obviously these two had breached the invisible "fence". beware the invisible fence...on the way back, these horses (dogs, but they seemed like untamed mustangs) grazed and whinnied at us as we passed back by. they could care less. they're free! love to all K9s everywhere.
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