Wednesday, December 5, 2012

winter solstice!

aloha dear friends- hoping this finds you well as we enter this very auspicious time, the winter solstice. the shortest day. and this year in particular, on which 12/21 will mark the alignment of eARTh with the galactic center. in other words, our galaxy (and others!) revolve around "the center" or what some believe to be a black hole. yes, this is all very deep space stuff. we are wishing you well as we enter into this high-vibrational plane. more manifestations will be coming your way, faster and with increased clarity! this is also an ideal time in space to notice your pet's habits, their spaciness, aloofness- THEIR connection to more refined frequencies. an influx of bizarre behavior, moodiness and sleepiness seem to be hallmark qualities of most of our client's anipals at this time...your job to answer these calls with patience and love. distressed calls from a neighborhood K9 reminds us- it's cold! please lay down some straw or have a warm shelter for your dog. it is chilly enough for your friend to catch cold at night. please bring them in, they will appreciate it. blessings and salutations from the heart of the mitten- we remain your grateful caregivers- m&b&jo