these two will return to stay with us this saturday thru thursday, and will be privy to our weekly meditation. beth and i started a sit/potluck every sunday at the behest of many recommendations. if you'd like to host, let us know! just some time to sit and behave, that's all- and we get plenty of that when BOBBY (underbite, "little lion" as he's been dubbed around here) and BOOMER (toy aussie) are around. most anyone who gets the chance to meet these little friends fall immediately in love-
hope you are enjoying the day as the clock literally resets (read: all ones) and we get a chance to clean our plates and look ahead to the positivity of warming our hearts by the fire. we are also available as caregivers to housesit your cabin up north, your getaway in Florida, your farm in Hawai'i...we've done it all and have references to back it up- peaceful journey...lots of love from us- your paws!